"The Fear That Overcomes Our Fears"

by Bishop Kurt Horst | Psalm 34

In the bulletin this week...

Worship Outline

We’re excited that you chose to worship with us today! 

Clipboards, with fill in sheets, are available for the children to use

during the worship service.


Welcome and Announcements: Pastor Jeff

Call to Worship: Michael Slagell 

             “Every Day Will I Bless Thee” LS #20

             “There Were Ninety and Nine” MH#552

Congregational Prayer: Dakota Miller

        “Jesus Loves Me”

(Children are invited to place their offerings in the Mission Globe)

         Songs of Praise         

Scripture: Psalm 34:1-11

    Read by Jacob & Kathryn Steigman

Sermon: “The Fear That Overcomes Our Fears”

    Bishop Kurt Horst, South Central District

      “Spirit of God”


All are invited to stay for a potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall

 following the worship service.


The Missions Committee would like to help organize short-term service trips and encourage all  ages from PVMC to participate.  Completing this  survey is not a commitment on your part, we just want to hear from you. Surveys are due before October 20th Hard copy  surveys are available in the literature rack and can be placed in the offering plate when completed.


T-Shirts are in!  If you ordered a church T-shirt, please pick it up in the foyer after the worship service.

Elder Selection The 13 elder nominees have been contacted and will gather on Wednesday at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary to create a ballot for the membership to join in the discernment process.  Please continue praying for God’s leading as we seek to call an elder to serve for the next 3 years starting January 1, 2025.

Food Drive In conjunction with today’s potluck, we are collecting donations in the breezeway for Connections Food & Resource Center.

Peppernuts Today, the peppernut dough is due and will be made into ropes which will then be frozen in preparation for baking next Sunday.  Next Sunday, Oct 20th, a light lunch will be provided for those that want to participate in the baking process.  So we know how many to prepare lunch for, please sign up on the provided sheet on the table in the foyer. There will be jobs for young and old, and a great opportunity to fellowship and work together.

Members Meeting Minutes Minutes from the September 8th Members Meeting are available to review on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Relief from NC Flood Victims Liz Mitchell is collecting new and gently used sleeping bags and bedding to send to North Carolina over the next few weeks.  You can drop off donated items in the church breezeway.

MCC Meat Canner The Canner will be in Fairview November 18th -20th. Donations  can be made to PVMC with a note in the memo for MCC Meat Canner and are being collected now through October 27th. If you have interest in  volunteering, please contact Ben Warner.

Fall Festival Sunday, October 27th from 5:30 – 7:30 pm (games open at 6:00) with a meal and dessert. A bucket has been setup in the foyer under the coat rack to      collect bags of candy or small toys and prizes (Walmart party isle). Costumes welcome! (No scary ones please.)

Silent Auction for Day in the Country  We are looking for one-of-a kind items. Examples: Quilts, Antique furniture, Large themed gift basket, a service you could offer, a catered supper… it can really be anything. Note: To the crafters, if you’re making several of the same thing they will go in the craft sale not the Silent Auction. Questions? Contact Susan Shantz  580-819-1776

Antique Car/Truck/Tractor Display at Day in the Country:

Do you have grandpa’s old tractor out in the barn? Or your dad’s vintage car/truck in the shed? This is your chance to get those antique vehicles out and give them a little sunshine! This will just be a chance for folks to enjoy looking at (not climbing on or in) the vintage vehicles in our community. It is not a judged event, it’s just for the fun of enjoying the memories and history! An entry sheet will be provided for you to list the make/model of your vehicle as well as any history you may know. So, get those vehicles up and running and feel free to invite any friends who may be interested in bringing their vintage vehicles. Contact Tonia Martin if you have any questions. 

BABY BOY! Congratulations to Tony & Becky Peachy on the arrival of their son, Colter Anthony! Born 10/6/24, weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. and 21 inches long. He joins proud siblings Lakyn, Axell, Dierk, Fletcher & Harper and grandparents David & Martha Miller. A gift table for Colter Peachy has been setup in the foyer.



Wednesday Night

5:45 pm: Baked Potato Bar, Salad and Dessert

6:30pm:   0 to 4 year olds to Nursery

Pre K – 3rd Grade to Commons Room

4th – 8th Grade to Classrooms

Youth to Classroom

3 Adult Class Options available:

  • In Room #114 Blair Cilliers will lead a Crafting and Journaling Class with intentional time for prayer, time in scripture and sharing.
  • Journey back to the time of Jesus. In an 8 session video series from Ray Vander Laan, we will discover how the events of Jesus’ day impacted his life, ministry and communication… and then we’ll learn how it affects ours. This class is located in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Rediscover Church When it comes to church, have you ever asked yourself, “Why do we do what we do?” This class will explore questions related to church using scripture as well as excerpts from the book, Rediscover Church. Our question this week: “Is Joining Really Necessary?” This class is located in the conference room.



Today, October 13, 2024

  9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship service



This week  Oct 14th – 19th

Tue      6 – 8 pm TLC Thomas 1st Christian

                     Church (Looming Class)

Wed    5:45 pm Meal

            6:30 pm  Activities for all ages

            7:30 pm Men’s Prayer & Share

                           Elders Meeting

Thu      1 – 4 pm  Quilting Room 112


Next Sunday, October 20th              

  9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship service

                 Cutting & Baking Peppernuts


Upcoming events                 

October 26th      Fellowship Hall Reserved

October 27th      Fall Festival

November 3rd    Singing Evening

                              Member’s Meeting

November 9th    Day in the Country

November 10th   Maple Lawn Manor

November 15th   Church Reserved

November 16th   Church Reserved

November 22nd  Church Reserved

November 23rd   Church Reserved

November 28th   Church Reserved

November 29th   Church Reserved

Prayer Requests

Add your prayer requests by contacting Pastor Jeff or the church office.

For our church family

That Christ may be seen in us.

Our homebound members ~  Bertha Miller

Maple Lawn Manor Residents ~ Marjorie Shantz

Michael & Faith Slagell and Warren & Lola Slagell Families ~ mourning the loss of their sister, Janet Kauffman

Edwin & Melissa Detweiler

Health Concerns

  • David Miller ~ Pray for healing and strength as he finishes his last remaining radiation treatments
  • Skyler Swihart ~ recovering from surgery
  • Warren Slagell
  • Mim Mast

Pastor Jeff, Dana & family

Elders & families

Elder Selection Process

In our community   

For those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and unity among those who do.

Local Ministries:  Agape Health Clinic, Branch 15, Habitat for Humanity, Connections Food & Resource Center, First Choice, Etc Shop,

Hope is Alive

Health concerns

  • Ethan Hushbeck, grandson to Devert & Kathy Thomas ~ Recovering from concussion
  • Becky Warren ~ battling cancer (she is the sister-in-law of Wes Warren, director of the Weatherford Independent Living Home)
  • Delmar Scoville ~ battling cancer
  • Margaret, sister to Susana Friesen ~ battling cancer
  • Kenneth Slagell ~ Michael & Warren Slagell’s brother

Our local, state, and national leaders

  • OK Senator Darcy Jech
  • OK Representative Anthony Moore
  • US Representative Frank Lucas & Alison Slagell
  • US Senators Mark Wayne Mullen, James Lankford & Bryce Slagell

Around the World

Serving in the US

  • Oklahoma MDS
  • Corey & Brooke Makeever – STUMO

Serving in other Countries

  • Global Disciples
  • Befon Asiago -Lifeway Children’s Centre
  • Rolly Walter ~ Health Concerns
  • Kiran Paul & Lakshmi -Berachah Ministries
Looking for a Sunday School Class? Here are some options

Join Us


9:30 AM Sunday school for all ages

10:30 AM Worship (in person or online)


5:45 PM Meal

6:30 PM Activities for all ages