"Following Jesus Into & Through Conflict"
In the bulletin this week...
Worship Outline
We’re excited that you chose to worship with us today!
Welcome and Announcements: Pastor Jeff
Call to Worship: Karl Stutzman
“Come, Thou Fount” MH#310
“The Love of God” MH#538
Congregational Prayer: Eldon Shantz
“Jesus Loves Me”
(Children are invited to place their offerings in the Mission Globe)
Songs of Praise
Scripture: Acts 20:7-12 Read by Devert & Kathy
Sermon: “You’ve Got a Story to Tell” Pastor Jeff
“Spirit of God”
From the Treasurer If you placed a check in the February 2nd offering in the amount of $200, or $700, please see Delvin Mast. Thanks!
The March Daily Bible Reading guide & Prayer calendar is available in the literature rack. You may also access it @ pvmcok.org under the resources tab.
Safe Sanctuary Sunday morning, March 2nd, during the Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall, CEC will be showing the Safe Sanctuary Training video. This opportunity is available to all.
Singing Evening is Sunday, February 2nd. Virgil & Meribeth Slagell, Lyndall & Kathie Switzer, Tim & Angela Stutzman, Michael & Faith Slagell, Reggie & Angel Miller are responsible for specials. If you prefer not to organize a special for the month, or have a conflict, please contact Bill Jackson.
Members Meeting March 2nd The members meeting agenda is as follows: Review and approve the Annual Business Meeting minutes, Discernment process for Pastor Jeff’s continued service (his term ends August 31) and work on “A Vision of Faithfulness” for the members of PVMC. If there are other time-sensitive items you would like to add to the agenda please contact Stenson Miller. Additional items can be discussed but not acted on. Minutes from the Annual Business Meeting have been posted to the bulletin board for review.
Comforter Blitz PV’s 6th annual Comforter Blitz is just 2 weeks away. Flyers are available in the foyer. Consider meeting a friend, or having a Sunday School class tying party. This is an event that everyone can enjoy and take part in. Wednesday evening, March 5th, we will be setting up and pinning in comforters.
Membership Renewal Members have an opportunity to renew their membership at PV, formerly known as re-covenanting. The blue membership renewal forms are available today next to the credenza in the foyer. Members can also renew their membership by simply communicating that desire to an elder or Pastor Jeff. If you are not a member, but would like to become one, please talk to Pastor Jeff or one of the elders.
Youth Fundraisers MYF is planning a missions trip to Costa Rica in July! It will be a 10-day trip filled with training, serving, and exploring. We are looking to raise funds and would love to help out with any projects around/in your home and yard in return for a donation. Let Chelsea Villines or Monica Miller know what project you have in mind and we can help you find a date that will work for us all to help you.
Kitchen Project Vote Results 94 ballots were received and the motion was affirmed by 81%. Thank you for participating in the vote. We will begin the remodel in just a few short months! The fundraiser lunch last Sunday raised $11,968.00 for the Kitchen Remodel Project. Thank you for your contributions!
The Mennonite Central Committee Central States board will hold it’s annual meeting on Saturday, March 1st from 2-3:30 p.m. at MCC Central States in North Newton, KS. All are welcome to attend.
Piano funding update The cost of the piano has been covered! Thank you all who gave towards the piano! -Kyle Slagell
Kiran Paul’s daughter Grace is in her final semester of undergraduate school where she is majoring in Computer Science. PVMC has supported her tuition for the previous 3.5 yrs and now her tuition for her final semester of school is due. $3,400.00 is needed yet to meet her needs. If you would like to contribute to Grace’s final semester of school, make your check out to PVMC and making note in the memo line specifically for Grace’s tuition.
Membership Update John and Sarah Slagell have requested their membership be transferred from PVMC to the First Baptist Church of Hydro where they have been attending the last few years. We pray God’s blessings upon them as they join the membership at the First Baptist Church of Hydro.
Today, February 23rd, 2025
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship service
This week Feb 24th – Mar 1st
Tue 6 – 8 pm TLC Thomas 1st
Christian Church (Looming
Wed 5:45 pm Meal
6:30 pm Activities for all ages
8:00 pm Missions Meeting
Thurs 1 pm – 3 pm Quilting in Rm 112
Fri SALT Conference in Tulsa
Sat SALT Conference in Tulsa
Next Sunday, March 2nd
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship service
6:00 pm Singing Evening
Members Meeting
Upcoming events
March 6th – 8th Comforter Blitz
March 9th Celebrating Communion
March 12th Last Wednesday Evening of the Semester
March 16th Maple Lawn Manor
March 23rd Potluck ~ Kingdom Seekers SS class in charge
April 6th Singing Evening
April 16th Holy Week Service
April 20th Easter Sunrise Service
April 27th Maple Lawn Manor
May 4th Singing Evening
May 11th Mother’s Day
Youth Fundraiser Lunch
May 12th – 17th Church Reserved
May 18th Celebrating Communion
Fellowship Hall Reserved
Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests
For our church family
That Christ may be seen in us.
Our homebound members ~ Bertha Miller, Marjorie Shantz (Maple Lawn Manor)
Edwin & Melissa Detweiler
Health Concerns
- Erin Smith ~ Recovering from knee surgery
- Melissa Detweiler ~ Recovering from neck surgery
- Roberta Slagle ~ Recovering from knee replacement surgery
- Kathy Thomas ~ Recovering from orthoscopic knee surgery
- Warren Slagell
- Mim Mast
Pastor Jeff, Dana & family
Elders & families
In our community
For those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and unity among those who do.
Health concerns
- Levi Hunt, James Hunt’s younger brother ~ diagnosed with leukemia
- Margaret, sister to Susana Friesen ~ battling cancer; up and down kidney function
- Delmar Scoville ~ battling cancer
Local Ministries: Agape Health Clinic, Branch 15, Habitat for Humanity,
Connections Food & Resource Center, First Choice, Etc Shop, Hope is Alive
Our local, state, and national leaders
Around the World
Serving in the US
- Oklahoma MDS
- Corey & Brooke Makeever – STUMO
Serving in other Countries
- Global Disciples
- Befon Asiago -Lifeway Children’s Centre
- Rolly Walter ~ Health concerns
- Kiran Paul & Lakshmi -Berachah Ministries
Looking for a Sunday School Class? Here are some options
Join Us
9:30 AM Sunday school for all ages
10:30 AM Worship (in person or online)
5:45 PM Meal
6:30 PM Activities for all ages