
by Wallace Crispin | John 15:16

In the bulletin this week...

Worship Outline

We’re excited that you chose to worship with us today! 

Clipboards, with fill in sheets, are available for the children to use

during the worship service.


Welcome and Announcements: Reggie Miller

Call to Worship: Stenson Miller 

             “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” MH 558

             “The Love of God” MH 538

Congregational Prayer: Jason Miller

Missions Moment: AVANT with Rolly Walter – Reggie Miller

            “Jesus Loves Me”

(Children are invited to place their offerings in the Mission Globe)

          Songs of Praise         

Scripture: Psalm 119: 97-104

    Read by Stenson Miller

Sermon: “Lights, Lamps, The Word”  Jason Swihart

          “Spirit of God”




The August Daily Bible Reading Guide & Prayer Calendar is available in the  literature rack. You may also access it online @ pvmcok.org under the resources tab.

Hope Is Alive in Weatherford is turning 5!! Join us for a celebration next Sunday evening, August 4th from 6-8pm. There will be a meal provided and a short program. Come see and hear what God is doing through these amazing men! Please RSVP with Krisha Shantz and catch her if you have questions. 

Member’s Meeting – The elders have moved our quarterly member’s meeting from August 4th to September 8th, following Singing Evening.

Potluck Sunday, August 11th, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a potluck lunch. Each household is asked to bring 2 dishes. SWAG and Sojourners Sunday School classes are in charge.

Back to School Fellowship Night Sunday evening, August 11th, everyone is invited to a fun night of games, contests and fellowship hosted by the Sunday Evening Planning Committee. Please bring finger foods to share.

Golf Cart Ministry The Hydro Free Fair is August 15th – 17th. Our church will be providing free golf cart rides for fair attenders to and from their vehicles. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board for 4 carts each evening. You are responsible for your cart the entire night. If you would like to help as a relief driver, but not be in charge, there is a place for that also. Time will start around 6pm each evening and will go until the fair closes. Thanks so much for volunteering your time for this ministry. Questions? Contact Jeff Selzer.

Puzzles! A donation of puzzles has been made to the church ranging from 300 pieces to 1000. These puzzles are located in the library and are free to anyone interested.

Membership The elders want to inform the congregation Ryan Minden has started the new member process. Please pray for him as he pursues membership at PVMC. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Jeff or one of the elders.


Today, July 28, 2024

    9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship service


This week  July 29th – Aug 3rd

Tue      6 – 8 pm TLC Thomas 1st Christian

                     Church (Looming Class)

            6: 30 pm CEC Meeting

            Fellowship Hall Reserved

Thu      1 – 4 pm  Quilting Room 112


Next Sunday, August 4th

  9:30 am Sunday School

10:30 am Worship service

                  No Singing Evening

  6:00 pm Hope Is Alive Celebration in 

                  Weatherford by RSVP


Upcoming events                 

August 11th        Potluck  – SWAG &

                              Sojourners classes in charge

                              “Back to School” Evening

August 15-17th Hydro Free Fair – Golf Carts

August 18th        Maple Lawn Manor


September 1st   Promotion Sunday

September 4th   Wednesday Evening

                              Activities Resume

September 8th    Singing Evening

                               Member’s Meeting

September 29th Maple Lawn Manor

                              Elder Selection begins

October 6th        World Communion Sunday

                              Singing Evening

Prayer Requests

Add your prayer requests by contacting Pastor Jeff or the church office.

For our church family

That Christ may be seen in us.

Our homebound members ~  Bertha Miller

Maple Lawn Manor Residents ~ Marjorie Shantz

Health Concerns

  • Skyler Swihart ~ recovering from surgery, hoping to be pain free for up to 5 years
  • Edwin & Melissa Detweiler
  • Warren Slagell ~ moved to Maple Lawn Manor for further recovery
  • Mim Mast

Pastor Jeff, Dana & family

Elders & families

South Central Mennonite Conference and those attending

In our community   

For those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and unity among those who do.

Local Ministries:  Agape Health Clinic, Branch 15, Habitat for Humanity, Connections Food & Resource Center, First Choice, Etc Shop,

Hope is Alive

Health concerns

  • Janet Kauffman ~ chemo ~ Michael & Warren Slagell’s sister
  • Delmar Scoville ~ battling cancer
  • Margaret – battling cancer ~ Susana Friesen’s sister
  • Kenneth Slagell ~ Michael & Warren Slagell’s brother

Our local, state, and national leaders

  • OK Senator Darcy Jech
  • OK Representative Anthony Moore
  • US Representative Frank Lucas & Alison Slagell
  • US Senators Mark Wayne Mullen, James Lankford & Bryce Slagell

Around the World

Serving in the US

  • Cadon Detweiler, Summer Miller ~ Victory Bible Camp
  • Oklahoma MDS
  • Corey & Brooke Makeever – STUMO

Serving in other Countries

  • Global Disciples
  • Befon Asiago -Lifeway Children’s Centre
  • Rolly Walter ~ Health Concerns
  • Kiran Paul & Lakshmi -Berachah Ministries
Looking for a Sunday School Class? Here are some options

Join Us


9:30 AM Sunday school for all ages

10:30 AM Worship (in person or online)


5:45 PM Meal

6:30 PM Activities for all ages