"No Peace? Know Peace"
In the bulletin this week...
Worship Outline
We’re excited that you chose to worship with us today!
Clipboards, with fill in sheets, are available for the children to use
during the worship service.
Welcome and Announcements: Pastor Jeff
Lighting of the Second Advent Candle – Peace
Call to Worship: Stenson Miller
“Angels From the Realms of Glory” MH 128
“To Us a Child of Hope is Born” MH 125
Congregational Prayer: Seth Thomas
Missions Moment: Lifeway Children’s Center – Pastor Jeff
“Jesus Loves Me”
(Children are invited to place their offerings in the Mission Globe)
“The First Noel the Angel Did Say” MH 137
“Away in a Manger” MH 472
Scripture: Psalm 45:1-9,17
Read by Hein & Blair Cilliers
Sermon: “No Peace? Know Peace” Pastor Jeff
“Spirit of God”
Children’s Christmas Program Practices
We will be practicing every Sunday morning during the
Sunday School singing time.
- Wednesday, December 11th: 5:45 – 7:30 pm (supper provided)
- Saturday, December 14th: Dress Rehearsal 9:00 – 11:30 am
- Sunday, December 15th: During Sunday School & Performance that evening at 6:00pm. Please have your child at the church by 5:40pm.
Thank you! Dana Selzer
What’s missing?? The grand piano! We have been looking at some different options due to the challenges of keeping the grand piano in tune. A member of the family that donated it had interest in the piano and has given it a new home. We are grateful for the use of the piano since being in the new sanctuary and are happy that it will be used and loved going forward! I’m exploring next steps. – Kyle Slagell
Angel Tree All Angel Tree gifts are due today. If you did not bring your gifts this morning, please connect with Cindy Hunt.
Member surveys are due today Please place your completed survey in the member survey box next to the credenza or complete the survey online using the QR code. Thank you for your participation.
From the Mission’s Committee Thank you for your input last Sunday regarding disbursement of unused funds in the Mission Sending and Mission Expansion accounts. Thinking you may be interested in the outcome , it was as follows. 69 ballots Amani Community Church Building fund 16%, Berachah Ministries (India) 26%, BIC Overcomers 21%, Global Disciples 4%, and Lifeway Children’s Centre 33%. Disbursement will occur before the end of the fiscal/calendar year.
You’re invited! We’re celebrating Christmas on December 23 at the Weatherford Transitional Living Program (WTLP). The WTLP helps young men who have been under state supervision transition to independence. The celebration includes a home cooked meal, some presents and the reading of Jesus birth. You’re invited to come or participate by helping provide food and snacks. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Classroom Helper The Christian Education Committee (CEC) is looking for a classroom helper beginning in January for the 2 -4 year old Sunday School class. If you have an interest in joining the children’ s ministry in this way, please contact Faith Slagell.
2025 Annual Business Meeting The annual business meeting is set for Sunday, January 26th. A list of committees with terms ending in 2024 and are open for nomination has been posted to the bulletin board in the foyer. Committees are asked to begin collecting financial reports and 2025 budgets.
Today, December 8, 2024
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
This week Dec 9th – 14th
Tue 6 – 8 pm TLC Thomas 1st
Christian Church (Looming Class)
Wed 5:45 pm Children’s Christmas
Sat 9 am Children’s Christmas
Next Sunday, December 15th
9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship service
6:00 pm Children’s Christmas Program
Upcoming events
December 22nd Maple Lawn Manor
December 24th Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service
December 28th Fellowship Hall Reserved
January 4th Elder Retreat
January 5th Communion
Singing Evening
January 8th Wednesday Evening
Services resume
January 26th Annual Business Meeting
Youth Lunch Fundraiser
February 2nd Singing Evening
February 16th Potluck ~ Kingdom Seekers
SS class in charge
Prayer Requests
Add your prayer requests by contacting Pastor Jeff or the church office.
For our church family
That Christ may be seen in us.
Our homebound members ~ Bertha Miller
Maple Lawn Manor Residents ~ Marjorie Shantz
Edwin & Melissa Detweiler
Health Concerns
- Roberta Slagle ~ Recovering from knee replacement surgery
- Kathy Thomas ~ Recovering from orthoscopic knee surgery
- David Miller ~ Pray for healing and strength as he recuperates from radiation treatments
- Warren Slagell
- Mim Mast
Pastor Jeff, Dana & family
Elders & families
In our community
For those who don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and unity among those who do.
Local Ministries: Agape Health Clinic, Branch 15, Habitat for Humanity, Connections Food & Resource Center, First Choice, Etc Shop,
Hope is Alive
Health concerns
- Becky Warren ~ battling cancer (she is the sister-in-law of Wes Warren, director of the Weatherford Independent Living Home)
- Delmar Scoville ~ battling cancer
- Margaret, sister to Susana Friesen ~ battling cancer
Our local, state, and national leaders
- OK Senator Darcy Jech
- OK Representative Anthony Moore
- US Representative Frank Lucas & Alison Slagell
- US Senators Mark Wayne Mullen, James Lankford & Bryce Slagell
Around the World
Serving in the US
- Oklahoma MDS
- Corey & Brooke Makeever – STUMO
Serving in other Countries
- Global Disciples
- Befon Asiago -Lifeway Children’s Centre
- Rolly Walter ~ Health Concerns
- Kiran Paul & Lakshmi -Berachah Ministries
Looking for a Sunday School Class? Here are some options
Join Us
9:30 AM Sunday school for all ages
10:30 AM Worship (in person or online)
5:45 PM Meal
6:30 PM Activities for all ages